Women, I think it's about time we backed off of Donald Trump. It should be apparent by now that he truly has our best interests at heart and that everything he does is for our protection and well-being. We women have such fragile frames and our hormones are constantly in control of our emotions; there's no way that we can be trusted to make level-headed decisions about something as important as the rulership or safety of our nation. Let's just calm down and listen to what they are saying.
Obviously, there is good reason that #repealthe19th was trending this week on Twitter. It's not that Trump supporters really thought that the only chance their candidate had was by removing half the population from being able to vote. They are simply worried about the state of their democracy. In times where tensions are so high, only men, ruled by their heads rather than their hearts, can be trusted to make decisions of national security. It isn't that there's anything wrong with you as a person, we just need strong leadership in these delicate times, from men who aren't afraid to tell it like it is and really stick it to world leaders. Diplomacy is for the weak, and we must remember that we are the weaker sex.
With that in mind, we must remember, too, that the Bible calls men to be the head of the household. We should trust the men of our nation fully to make the decisions that are best for us all, and also to protect us in all areas of our lives. When Mr. Trump speaks of grabbing women in the crotch, it was certainly meant that he did it for the protection of those around him. We must remember that this is a party that stands for good family values and won't allow men to enter a women's restroom. Mr. Trump was probably just checking their equipment before they entered the locker room. That is what he meant by "locker room talk," I would think. He was making sure that the women who entered the restroom wouldn't be assaulted and harassed by penis-wielding perverts inside.
Donald is just looking out for us Americans, ladies. He will get those foreigners out of our country and bring business back to America, where it belongs because our unemployment is the lowest it has been in 8 years. President Obama has absolutely ruined our economy in this way; Mr. Trump has been telling us all along that it's such a disaster and I think it's time we paid attention to the facts and listened. Only Donald Trump has promised to bring American jobs back from overseas instead of some foolish plan to create new jobs entirely and help "protect the environment" at the same time. No, Mr. Trump will not only bring back jobs, but he will get those immigrants out of our country who don't pay taxes to live here so that all of these fine businesses we bring back can not pay taxes instead.
Ladies, until we manage to #repealthe19th let's use our votes wisely to support the candidate who is really looking out for us. How can a woman be trusted to be president when she is so ruled by emotion as we know that we are? How can a woman be president who actually apologizes for the things that she does wrong? How can a woman who can't even be trusted to keep her husband from being faithful be trusted with the faith of the people of the United States of America? Donald Trump is our only chance to get a real authoritarian leadership who can control us in the way that he thinks best. Use your votes wisely this November. It may be the last one that we get.