Once I was at dinner with a few friends at one of the cafeterias on campus. While we were eating, my friend was busy messaging a guy on Snapchat. After a few minutes she looks up from her phone and starts dying of laughter. After I asked her what was funny, she showed me her phone. The guy she was talking to thought that I was her boyfriend which was pretty funny I suppose. The guy messaged her the most corniest pickup line I ever heard and proceeded to ask about the dude sitting across from her a.k.a me. She told me she didn't like the guy and that's when I responded with maybe you should have said I was then he would have left you alone, and that's when the idea popped into my head. Rent-A-Boyfriend!
Are you a girl that is to nice to say no to a guy hounding you? You want a nice way of putting him down without being hurtful or mean? Introducing Rent-A-Boyfriend! Imagine, a company where you can literally rent a guy for a day and with who you can act all cozy with in public to dispel unwanted men. It’s kinda like a male escort business.
I guess the business would run through an app girls could download. They would type what was happening to them, then select a suitable male model, one to their liking. After that they would continue on to requesting a date and time. Once accepted, they would go on to pay. The rate wouldn’t be too expensive, knowing how many thirsty dudes are out there. Once the model showed up, you two would act like a couple, planning your appearances around your “problem’s” schedule. For a little extra money, you can hire a photographer to take pictures so can you post them all over Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook (if you still use Facebook like I do).
The guy will hopefully get the message, and move on, unless he wants to be on the side, then you have other situation which is out of my control. That is very unlikely to happen but if it does… hey, good luck!
Once the day is done, the fake boyfriend we leave without a trace. That way no guy can look him up. I’ve told a few friends and they think this would be an awesome idea. Maybe I will start a fund me page to get this idea up and running. My friends that girls always tell me how frustrating it is when a guy doesn’t get the message, this way it would make it pretty obvious. Sometimes us guys mistake kindness for affection and if the guy likes you, he may have this perfect image in his head that no matter what you did, you couldn’t mess up. With the app and what comes after would plant a seed in the pursuers head. An idea that would dwell in the psych until the guy accepted what was going on. Hopefully one day something like this would become a reality.