"I'm bored…there's nothing to do."
Bored of being bored because being bored is boring.
I've mumbled these words countless times this summer, and perhaps that's because it was the first time in nearly two years where I had an unlimited amount of time completely and totally for myself.
At first, I took that time to do some major self-care. I watched a season of Jane the Virgin on Netflix, I read a book, slept, and I even learned a song on the ukulele. I soaked in the gloriousness of having nothing to do.
But there comes a point when that nothingness becomes so encasing that it's overwhelming and instead of spending the time reading a book, you're scrolling through Instagram…for the tenth time that morning. And then, you announce to anyone who will listen, "I'm so bored because I'm not doing x and I'm not in y."
I've found myself guilty of this, wishing I were somewhere else, doing something else, and with someone else so that I wouldn't be so unimaginably bored. Although I no longer have nothing to do (thanks to the six hours of homework my professor gives me four days a week for my summer classes plus the internship), I do have an abundance of free-time that I felt like I needed to constantly fill with activity, people, or mind-numbing media. And I found myself wishing for the past or yearning for the future instead of realizing how wonderful it is to have this time now. So, I decided I'd take the word "bored" out of my vocabulary. Because being bored is a ridiculous way to spend your precious time.
"Boredom is a symptom of a conditioned and closed mind. If you are bored, you're doing yourself a tremendous disservice. Open your mind, break-free from your conditioned routine, and reignite the flames of excitement and discovery."
― Steve Maraboli
I deleted social media apps off of my phone, and although I still find myself watching an episode of "Friends" and scrolling through my Facebook feed just to waste time, I've been finding myself a little less worried about my next Instagram post and more focused on taking photos just for the sake of capturing the moment. I've found new things to do that are good for me, like writing for the Odyssey, finding new recipes, drawing, and taking tennis lessons (so that I can actually understand the game that my little sister loves).
Boredom is simply the opportunity to grow. It's a privilege to have this abundance of time, so put your phone down. And when that feeling of boredom creeps up on you, don't complain that you have nothing to do because that's not true.
Cherish your time. Think deeply. Dream. Create. Be.