"I was just telling these girls how we can sit in silence for hours and we'd be comfortable and it would still be a good time," my best friend said, with that spark he gets in his eyes when he talks about something he's proud of. I smiled, pleased with the statement he just said. I wouldn't have this any other way.
You may ask yourself, what? What would you not have any other way? Who he and I are together. There was a time where I wished for something more. However, that was me being greedy and unaccepting. My mother asked us both one time why we wouldn't just date. We were used to this question. People would ask us how one another was doing. I recall one incident at the gym. A random guy came up to me and asked, "Hey! How are you and that one guy?" My first instinct was to say, "Good!"
We never dated, but some instances felt like we did. He brought comfort, the kind of comfort a loved one brings. Being around him was equivalent to a summer day on the beach. He brought the warmth of a summer sun. He was like the water that eased the pain and sweat that a cloudless day brought. He brought the satisfaction one gets digging their toes into warm sand. I like to think he was the finest thing that had ever stumbled towards me.
I used to consider my life without him, to be prepared for the worst. I asked myself if I'd be alright, or if I'd be heartbroken. I imagine constant heartache would occur. It'd be the type of heartache you carry everywhere with you. Someone once asked me, "If I could take anything away from you, what would you want me not to take?" My first thought was him. You could take every materialistic item I had. You could take it all, but I would want to keep him. No one ever expresses how friends can break your heart, too. I imagine the worst heartbreak would follow if he let me go. I don't reminisce about that anymore because it's too much to worry about.
When you find someone like him, you breathe easier with them near. I can't explain much of how I feel, however, but as a poet, I'll try. I've always been into art, and I found him to be a masterpiece. His personality was written in his actions, like a boy in a book. He was the type of guy you'd read in stories wishing to find one day. I knew everyone has their own beauty, but all I saw was beauty when I looked into those eyes. I could talk hours on end about him and the way he made me feel. He was like hints of sunshine on cold days, peaking through the clouds. He was something else, both beautiful and breathtaking, as if he was a color I'd never seen before. When we are in the same room all I can feel is him, regardless of other people around. I can feel him from across the room, as if he radiates towards me. With him, an empty room never felt so full.