Some reminders for myself:
1. Time will heal the wounds you have.
It may seem like you'll hurt forever but it won't I promise. Take the time you need to heal and move on. Don't hold onto pain because it'll only make things worse for you in the end. Cry if you need to but pick your head up and keep moving forward. Things will get better eventually.
2. You may not remember what they said but you will remember how they made you feel.
Words may stick around forever but most of the time they fade. What doesn't fade is the way they made you feel. Don't forgive people for things that don't deserve forgiveness. It's okay to not forgive people. Holding grudges doesn't make you feel better though, so don't hold onto grudges.
3. Your heart may be broken but it's a part of life.
You've dealt with a broken heart before. It won't be the last time your heart will be broken either. It'll take a lot of trial and error for you to find the person who will love you for you and not leave when times get tough. Don't let a broken heart make you hard. Don't let the pain take away the kindness you have in your heart. Guard yourself but don't shut down. You will love again.
4. You weren't the problem. He was.
I know you stay up late some nights and wonder why you weren't good enough. I know you watch him with the knockoff version of yourself and wonder why he left you for her. I know you wonder why he just gave up. However, I need you to remember something, it wasn't your fault. You did nothing wrong. If anything you gave too much to someone who didn't deserve it. Don't let him keep you from doing your best. Move on.
5. Your flaws are what make you, you.
You may see your flaws as something to be ashamed of but remember, you are your biggest critic. You over analyze yourself. You over analyze how you look and what you do. I promise you no one else is looking at you as hard as you look at yourself. Just like your heart and soul make you who you are, your scars and stretch marks make you who you are as well. You are not your flaws.
6. It's okay to make mistakes.
You are not your mistakes. You make mistakes but that doesn't mean they should haunt you forever. Everyone makes them, it's not the end of the world. Just pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Don't hold on to the mistakes you make.