One of my family’s holiday traditions is to get out pictures of my grandfather and reminisce about our favorite moments with him. The years keep going by since he’s passed, but we try to honor his memory and keep his spirit alive by reminding each other of his best moments. We also take the time to update each other on family members who may not live nearby or were unable to make it to any of the holiday celebrations.
This is one of the reasons why I look forward to the end of the year. Each time we bring up our loved ones, a new memory resurfaces. It truly puts me in the Christmas spirit mood. It also reminds me that a new year is approaching full of possibilities and blank pages to spread my journeys.
Life is busy, moments are fleeting, and distance is discouraging. Often, the holiday season is the only time where we might be able to slow down for a few moments to remind ourselves that we’re alive. We can reflect on all of the choices from the past year and the progress we’ve accomplished thus far.
But through all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I seek comfort in remembering the ones who’ve come before me. I take a moment to mentally thank all of the people who have chosen to stay in my life and send good thoughts to those who briefly crossed my path.
And all of this reflection, forgiveness, peace, and understanding goes back to remembering the ones who have passed away. Life teaches us that death is inevitable, so we should cherish and enjoy it while we are able to be surrounded by the ones we love. Life also teaches us how to let go, even when we’re not ready. So this holiday season, be sure to tell someone you love them. Express your gratitude. Lend a hand to those who need help getting back on their feet. We are all human and none of us are getting out of here alive, so take back your moments and always be kind.