We've all been there. Maybe you are there, right at this very moment. Maybe you're in that place where you're feeling like no one is on your side, like no one understands you, like no one loves you. Just know, I completely understand.
It's hard being single these days. It seems like everywhere I turn, there's anotherhappy couple. I see them when I go out on the weekends, when I walk on campus, even when I go to the grocery store. Literally, everywhere. I feel like those people are trying to rub their happiness in my face. I just can't get away from it. It's almost like the world wants me to feel miserable and alone.
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But, I'll tell you a secret... It's not about me.It's not about you either.
There, I said it. The world doesn't revolve around me, and it doesn't revolve around you. The world doesn't exist to please us or to make sure we have a perfect life. Shocker, right? Well, when you actually think about it, not really. There are millions of people in the world, billions even, who have all at some point felt knocked down and defeated. God doesn't promise that we will get everything we want. Some things just aren't meant to be, no matter how bad we want it or how much we think we deserve it. That might be a slap in the face to you. Good. It's a slap in the face to me, too.
It's in our human nature to be selfish. Adam and Eve sealed that deal thousands of years ago. We cannot live without sin. Believe me, I mess up. Every day. Multiple times a day. However, despite the times I mess up, despite the times I'm selfish, despite the times I feel alone... I have to remind myself of one thing: God will never leave me nor forsake me.
That's incredible. It honestly just blows my mind that the King of Kings, the Saviour of all Nations, the Creator of the Universe loves me and loves you. Wow. Just let that sink in. You might be thinking, "I already know that." Okay, but do you believe it? Do you really believe with all your heart and all your soul that it's the truth? Or do you just say it?
I'll be the first person to admit that I have doubts sometimes. It's not something I'm proud of. (There's another one of those pesky sins I mentioned.) Whenever I start to have doubts, God never fails to lead me back to Him again. It could be through a beautiful sunset as I drive home from work or through a huge opportunity unfolding before my eyes. God is constantly showing us He loves us and cares for us. We just don't always see how truly blessed we are.
I challenge you to start seeing it. I challenge you to chase your fears away and to give your doubts the boot. I challenge you to believe in God's unconditional love for you. I challenge you to not let the devil deceive you. When your "friends" stop being your friend, remember that God is on your side and will protect you. When your parents don't understand that you are doing the best you can, remember that God understands you and knew you before you were ever conceived. When that boy you can't stop thinking about doesn't feel the same way, remember that God loves you and sent His son to die on the cross for you.
Whatever circumstance you're going through, whatever race you're running, whatever hardship you're facing, whatever chapter in the book of life you are in... Remember this: God wrote that book. He knows the ending, and I promise you it's a good one.
"I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well." Psalm 139:14