As this new semester starts, try to stay positive and remember just a few things.
1. Professors are there to help
If you are worried about a class and think you might struggle, talk to your professor. They are there to help you learn and teach you. They have office hours and you can set up meeting times to get extra help.
2. Your mental health is important
Your mental health is just as important as your academics and school work, if not more so. Make sure to take time each week to check in with yourself and make sure that you are mentally healthy. You can't be successful if you aren't mentally well.
3. Studying sooner rather than later can relieve stress
If you start studying early and keep up with the topics in your classes, then it will save you stress as midterms and finals start to come up. It will also help you be more prepared for any exams, tests, and projects.
4. Keep track of dates
Write down all the dates of projects, papers, and homework that you will have to do. This will help you prepare and plan out your weeks. Knowing all your due dates can take immense stress off of you. Preparation is key.
5. Think about what study methods work for you and focus on those
It isn't helpful to study in ways that don't help you prepare or remember what you studied. If you do study, do it in an effective way. This again helps you prepare and actually feel better about your classes.
6. Don't exhaust yourself
If you start to feel overwhelmed or like you are doing too much, then take a step back. Only focus on exactly what you have to do. This allows you to have some time to yourself and take a minute if you need one. Don't over-commit yourself to activities and stretch yourself too thin.