Given the state of mind our country is in with this recent election, I think we could all use the little reminder that we are all just human. We get so caught up in ugly conflicts in the world, we forget that being ugly back does not make the situation any prettier. It only desensitizes us from one another and we forget deep down we are all the same. We all have human faults, human emotions, and human hopes and desires. Even if those faults, emotions, hopes and desires, are the same as the person next to you or not, that doesn't make them any less real. So before you say something ugly or type something ugly to someone please remember we are all still human. We all have souls that strive for internal greatness, whether that greatness comes from love and happiness or power, or all of those things we are all striving for something better.
But, we are only human.
We have days where our emotions get the best of us in a good way that bring out the light in us or in a bad way that brings out the ugliest in us.
We all have times that we break down in tears and we all have times when we laugh so hard that that one really embarrassing laugh comes out that makes you laugh even harder.
We all have days when our hair does that weird thing that we just can't get right.
We all make mistakes and say stupid things that we don't truly mean and regret it later.
But, that is all okay because we are only human and as humans we need to stop the ugliness and show each other some humanity.