You had the courage to admit to yourself that you were not truly happy. You recognized that genuine happiness and fulfillment for yourself required something that seemed almost unattainable at the time. There was that moment where you sat back for a minute and let the wave of powerful and overwhelming realizations hit you.
What you had come to an understanding of that day was something I did not know you could grasp. Not because I did not think you were smart enough, but because I thought you would be too afraid; Too afraid of reality or commitment.
What you had realized was something that could have seemed completely illogical to many people around you. It became this “thing” that you were afraid to touch because if you did, then everyone around you, including yourself, may have thought you were absolutely insane.
But maybe that is exactly what you needed. Maybe you needed something so crazy, and so out of the ordinary, that if you went through with it, it would become something that turned your entire world upside down in the best way possible.
Finally, once you went through with it, everything in your life really did change for the better. You went through with an absolutely terrifying, yet exciting, concept and nothing but good things came out of it.
That is my living proof to you that going out of your comfort zone is SO worth it. Whether you accomplish something you never thought possible or completely fail in front of everyone, the only thing that mattered, in the end, is that you faced your fear and learned from your mistakes.
Let those mistakes you have made instantly initiate your own personal (or professional) growth. Let the obstacles you had to overcome make you nothing but stronger; And if you do fall down, let the reason why you started this journey in the first place be your motivation to get back up and try again.
While I know I have so much left to accomplish in this short life, I can honestly say that I feel content and rather fulfilled with the knowledge of where I am headed. I am fulfilled because I have jumped so far out of my comfort zone with total fear and I am, subsequently, doing things I never thought possible for myself because of it. And I can only have hope that it will lead to even bigger and better things.
Remember that you are a firm believer in the notion that we belong to exactly where we are headed. That is, as long as we are trying our absolute best and as long as we are taking risks in the realm of our passions and opportunities, you believe that life will work out the way it is supposed to.
Then, if something does not end up working out, you attempt to have faith that an even better opportunity, that is more fitting for me and my future self, will soon find its way.