Thank you 2017 for a year full of memories, adventures, mistakes and many, many lessons.
1. Positivity is KEY
"Think positive and good will come out of it."
This was incredibly difficult for me to grasp or even consider. Some days, when the world feels against me, I shut down and drown in negative thoughts. From the many conversations I've had with my mom, I've learned that everyone has bad days—it's just how you handle those bad days that defines your character. Take something bad and turn it into a lesson learned. This is so much easier said than done, but all it takes is the right mindset. Positive thinking really will affect how your day goes.
2. Self-love is a priority, not an option
This past year, I learned what self-love really was. Before I learned this, I was insecure and lacked confidence. One day, I decided that this isn't who I wanted to be. I wanted to be the person who can take on anything with certainty; fail or not, I wanted to become something that is bigger than myself.
I discovered a yoga studio downtown, minutes away from my house. I was terrified because I was in no way flexible, nor did I understand what yoga really was, but why not try it out? I ended up falling in love with it! Ever since I walked into the studio for the first time, I've grown so much as a person and my confidence has skyrocketed. Life can be busy sometimes, but I cannot stress enough how important self-love is. Each day, commit a time to yourself—this can include doing a face mask, or even watching an episode on Netflix. Find the little things in life that make you happy!
3. Leave toxic relationships
If I can say anything about a toxic relationship, I learned that how they treat you is how they feel about you. Stop making excuses for them. This was hard for me to accept because I am the type of person to see the best version of someone before they see it themselves. To the person who just left a toxic relationship: it takes a lot to leave and a lot of healing after. You will feel regret, uselessness, and embarrassment. But it will get better and you will be happy again. You are strong and have so much love to offer—don't give it to the wrong person who doesn't see that. You will thank yourself in the long run. But please, don't beg someone to stay.
4. Never settle
The amazing thing about being human is that you can change your life at any time! Happiness Is overlooked so much in this generation because of how someone thinks of you, your salary, etc. Do what makes you happy because you are the author of your own story.
5. Accept failure and try again!
Success is formed from your mistakes. Don't give up because of a small bump in the road; instead, learn how to conquer it! Success only comes to those who work for it!
Here's to you 2018—a year full of opportunities.