We all have that one element in our life that is always there in the background, something we are unaware of the weighty existence until it is either brought to the foreground or disappears in its entirety. This element may seem trivial to outsiders, it may even seem trivial to yourself. Yet, this one element has always been present, as long as you can remember, shaping a ritual you cherish in your daily life.
For me, my one essential element is simply a cup of coffee. A mainstream drink that gets you through the day, coffee has shaped a ritual for me that, without it, would cause a void. Since moving to Seattle in 2015, coffee has been brought further into my scope of experience, but reflecting back, I have noticed it to be a consistent element found throughout my life. I could even argue that the longest, most substantial relationship I’ve had in my young adult life is with coffee.
From a very young age, I remember running down the stairs, barreling into the warmth of the family kitchen, letting the aromas of the dark roast envelop me as my mother and father poured their morning cup of coffee from the french press. I remember scooping the dark beans out of the cavernous container at the grocery store and grinding them up so that I could smell the almost hypnotic scent of fresh ground coffee. I remember the first vanilla latte I had, at an age where the bitter taste of the espresso made me scrunch up my face, but then quickly return to a neutral expression due to the overwhelming feelings of pride I had for myself consuming such a “grown up” drink. I remember when I first became a regular at my favorite local coffee shop due to the repeated visits after classes ended at school, "I'll have the regular, please". I remember being given my first opportunity to be a barista, a coveted position hard to obtain due to the popularity of such a job. I remember the late nights spent at the one coffee shop open past 10 o’clock, where my friends and I would gather to get their deliciously sweet drinks and talk about our lives. I remember choosing a university where coffee was built into the very fabric of their culture. I remember the first time I successfully did latte art, when the bright white of the foamed milk floated beautifully to the surface, breaking a path in the caramel colored crema. I remember all the simple moments when coffee has been present, yet being unaware of the large impact those times have had on me.
Seems strange right? That something so trivial as a drink could leave such an impression on my life. But the unique thing about coffee is that it brings people together, unites them in familiarity, creates an unexpected ritual that evokes warm memories of the past and excitement to continue the ritual in the future. Others, like me, would agree that a commonplace item may seem shallow at first glance, yet hold deeper meaning when truly thought about.
Having a ritual is imperative, often overlooked, yet deeply cherished. Coffee is the very ritual that allows me to wake up every morning, feeling content with what the day will hold. From brewing a cup in my Chemex to camping at a coffee shop for hours, sipping on drip, and working on endless amounts of homework, coffee is consistent throughout the day. Something I just need to have it or else life will feel a little less bright. This recent realization of coffee impacting my life has shown me the comfort and the satisfaction of having a ritual and creating a routine so outwardly unappreciated, yet so deeply cared about and practiced. Acknowledgment of your ritual produces profound reflexivity, making one truly appreciate the simple things in life.
What's your ritual?