Ignorant. Careless. Privileged. Closed-Minded. These are the words I think of when I encounter someone who doesn't watch what they say. I am a very open individual, but I think society has reached a point where certain words aren't seen for what they are: offensive. Socially accepting phrases such as "you're so gay," or, "that's so retarded," is something I view as socially unacceptable. I'm not faulting anyone who has done that; however, you should stop and recognize these aren't words you should abuse. Let me explain more.....
Growing up and living in cities where I have been surrounded by progressive people of all ethnicities, sexual orientations, and religion, I have very strong opinions. I consistently see individuals who are so used to using offensive terms as a part of their daily conversations. From some of the friends that I have talked to, I have realized that a good amount of people have one or multiple words or phrases they cannot stand to hear people say ignorantly. Everyone deals with different scenarios first hand, but I think that is why these words affect each person differently. It almost seems as if people are numb to this, and it is truly sad. It is completely not okay. I know that when I ever hear someone say the word "retarded" I become so enraged and that's because my sister was both mentally and physically disabled, I am extra sensitive to hearing this word be misused because people think it's a funny joke. I also don't even use this word for those who deal with disabilities because I think society has put a completely negative connotation on the word retarded. So, even using it appropriately, I don't think it sounds right.
My example, of course, is a completely biased due to what I have experienced and who I have been associated with in my own life. Regardless, if you haven't dealt with this first hand, you should still be mindful. It is the right thing to do and is a step in the right direction. As I had mentioned earlier, I am very progressive, and I believe that being a part of the progressive movement involves being aware of everyone and everything, especially what you say.
Society lacks mindfulness. It seems to me that people are becoming less and less conscientious of the world we live in. This is so scary because it seems like we take only so many steps forward and then many more steps back. Not only is it horrifying, but it is also very saddening. It is sad to see a world of amazing people, all different and unique, be put down. To see a society be filled with so much ignorance that they can abuse people's feelings because of the hurtful language they use, is a very disappointing sight.
I am not trying to come off forceful, but I'm sending my message to everyone in full force. We need to be conscientious. It may seem like it is not a big deal, but it is. It really is. There are people who deal with mental and physical disabilities. There are people who are gay. There are people of all different racial backgrounds. My point is: STOP using words that describe these amazing people as something that you think is funny to joke with your friends. It is beyond offensive. As my mother so thoroughly instilled in me, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all."