Remembering Alan Rickman | The Odyssey Online
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Remembering Alan Rickman

The man who gave life to Severus Snape.

Remembering Alan Rickman

On Thursday, January 14, 2016, news broke that actor Alan Rickman had died at the age of 69 after losing his battle with cancer. Though he has played a part in over 60 films such as "Die Hard," "Robin Hood: The Prince of Thieves" and "Sweeney Todd," he is best known for his role as Severus Snape in the "Harry Potter" films. Based on the best-selling series written by J.K Rowling, the "Harry Potter" franchise has spanned more than a decade in history and continues to define our generation.

As I sit here watching "Harry Potter: The Order of the Phoenix," I am saddened to realize that we truly have lost something special. Alan Rickman, AKA Professor Snape, will be dearly missed, not just as a famous actor, but as a man. A huge fan of "Harry Potter," both film and novel, and I sadly only knew Alan Rickman for his role as Severus Snape. Still, I can celebrate and remember the shining man he was for being the double-agent Hogwarts professor adrift in a world of tragedy.

From the beginning, readers/movie-goers were led to believe Severus Snape was a dark, dangerous man. With Harry Potter, the only person to have ever survived the killing curse (cast by Lord Voldemort), finally entering the world of magic by attending the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, Snape seemed to have a vendetta against Potter.

Physically and mentally abrasive towards the son of his lost love, Lily, and juvenile bully, James.

With a sarcastic tone and demeaning personality, it is no wonder Snape was suspected of treachery.

Professor Snape: Potter, what are you doing wandering the corridors at night?
Harry: Nothing. I was sleepwalking.
Professor Snape: How extraordinarily like your father you are Potter, he too was exceedingly arrogant, strutting about the castle.

Readers and viewers spent the first six movies/novels unsure of Snape's true intentions. Only when the final novel, split into the seventh and eighth films, was released, did the readers realize that Severus Snape was not the horrible villain we believed him to be. Rather, he was a man led by fear and love to do some crazy things, which he came to regret.

And despite the years that had passed, his sorrows were never forgotten. Nor was his love.

The presence of Harry Potter acted as a constant reminder of Snape's sorrows, sorrows he would one day confront. When the "Harry Potter" series concluded, no longer did we feel dislike for Snape, but unending sympathy stemming from the realization of the internal suffering he endured. Living with himself and hiding the truth from Harry demonstrate Snape's heroism. The story of his redemption is heartwarming, and realizing the truth of the character once feared makes us love him all the more.

Alan Rickman was not Professor Severus Snape. Nonetheless, many of us know him best for his brilliant performance as Snape and could not imagine "Harry Potter" without him.

Thank you Alan Rickman. Not only for being an actor in an amazing series, but for teaching us that true heroes can come from the most unlikely of places and that love can be demonstrated in many ways. You will be remembered. Always.

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