In a world where we have the resources to receive information in an instant, the transportation opportunities to go anywhere at any given time, and the technology to communicate with anyone we’d like, we sometimes take the small things for granted, forgetting to appreciate things along the way.
This past week I have spent my time at a lake house in Wetmore, Michigan. Though I try to always appreciate the blessings I am able to enjoy that others may not get the luxury to, I too, get caught up in the moment.
It wasn’t until I got up to the lake house that I began to realize some very little things I had been dreading instead of being thankful for. It’s funny, how being in the middle of nowhere with little cell service, sketchy Wi-Fi, and a wild family can open your eyes to what you’ve been missing.
I’ve tried to continue working out while being away from the gym. Going for a run in the middle of the woods with nothing but quiet and nature around opened my eyes to the fact that there are some who can’t enjoy the health that I get to enjoy. I don’t always look forward to working out and running, however, some people have illnesses or physical disabilities and would probably love to take a jog through the woods while taking in every single minute of the sweat and sore muscles.
While being here I’ve also realized how often I take my close-knit family for granted. Being in one house with all my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and parents has been overwhelming at times. I have let myself get crabby while I’m in a beautiful house on the lake with my entire healthy and happy family. Instead of blaming them for the laughter that caused beer to come out of my nose and the endless fun from card games. I was focusing on blaming them for the sleepless nights and the loud screaming.
I take comfort in the fact that I’m not the only one who, sometimes, forgets how great they have it. I’m learning to enjoy the smallest of things like the Cinnamon Toast Crunch I had for breakfast or that I got breakfast at all. The chances I get to laugh with my friends, the car I get to drive because I’m employed and can afford it.
I think it's very easy to live your entire life forgetting just how great of a life you actually have. Many people forget to remember that most of what we enjoy in life are privileges that others have not been fortunate enough to experience.
Life is easier to laugh at and enjoy when you take a step back and begin to be thankful for the things as "normal" as the roof over your head and the annoying little brother blowing your phone up with text messages. Nobody likes somebody who can't see all they have in front of them!
If more people were able to recognize and appreciate the little things in life maybe the negativity that seems to be so abundant in today's society would decrease a little. The stress that people feel may be lessened if they could see that, in the grand scheme of things, they’ve really got it great.