Sometimes God is speaking to your heart a little louder than you think...
At the time I did not know that it was Him calling me to do His work through my hands, but after the trip I could clearly see it. Over spring break I had the opportunity to work with Habitat for Humanity building houses in Florida. Blessed does not even begin to cover how I feel after this past week. I met so many humble people that led me closer to the person I want to be in the creators eyes. They inspired me to be to true to myself and to never stop smiling. Life is too short for a frown that lasts longer than a few minutes.
Sometimes we get caught up in the hectic ways of everyday life. Grades seem like they are the most important thing and if you don't ace all your midterms you might as well give up. But I have realized through a few short days that there is so much more to life. My eyes have been opened to the ample opportunities that are there. There is so much more important things to be worrying about how fast time goes. Just take a minute to sit back and watch the sunset because that day and that sunset will never be there again.
When God calls, go. Trust in Him that he will not lead you astray.