Diem Brown, known for her appearances on MTV's "Real World/Road Rules Challenge," died this past week after a long battle with cancer. She was only 32 years old. She was first diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the young age of 23. She did not let the cancer stop her from reaching her goals. After several surgeries, Brown set off for Australia to participate in "Real World/Road Rules Challenge" in 2006. In 2012, her ovarian cancer returned, and this past August Diem revealed that the cancer had metastasized and spread to her stomach and colon.Â
MTV network stated that they are "tremendously sad to hear the news that Diem Brown has lost her long battle with cancer. We send our deepest condolences to her family and friends. Diem was a true fighter and brought passion to everything she touches. We will miss her."Â
Diem Brown became an inspiration for others fighting the same battles she fought by founding MedGift.com, a support registry for those suffering from any medical illness. In October, just a month before her passing, Brown told People Magazine, "I want people to know that the fight is worth it. And that's something that's so important for me."
Brown was known for her determined fighting spirit, both on and off camera. Despite being diagnosed with cancer three times, Diem continued to film as a "Challenge" competitor with MTV. This past August while filming a new reality competition show, Brown collapsed on set with crippling stomach pains. She was rushed into emergency surgery after a devastating diagnosis that the cancer had returned in her colon and stomach. Brown immediately had lymph nodes removed and an emergency hysterectomy after having her ovary and part of her fallopian tube removed only a few years earlier.Â
Brown tragically passed away a few months later on Nov. 14, 2014 at 10:22 a.m. in New York City. Although she was in critical condition and fighting for her life, she was peaceful and surrounded by loved ones.Â
"Cancer has changed who I am," Brown told People Magazine in August. "It sounds like a cliché, but I've only got this one life, and I need to live every day to the fullest. I'm a lot more appreciative of things now."
For those of us that grew up watching reality television shows on MTV, we loved seeing Brown get fiercely competitive on "Real World"Â and look fabulous while doing so. Admit it, we've all at least once dreamed of dominating the competition and getting our 15 minutes of fame on "Real World." Diem Brown was more than just a pop culture figure. She was an inspiration for anyone fighting similar battles, dedicating her time to helping others while she was terminally ill herself. Diem Brown taught us to smile, love those around us and appreciate the beauty in everything in our lives.Â