In 1998, JK Rowling released "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone" in the United States. In 2001, the magical world of witchcraft and wizardry took to screen with what is arguably the best cast movie of our generation.
As a reader and viewer, characters were favored and hated as the story of Harry Potter expanded over 10 years on pages and in theaters. While we applauded as Harry, Ron, and Hermione fought against Voldemort and his followers, we also loved characters like Dumbledore, Professor McGonnagall, and Hagrid. However, one character we did not love until the end--until he was gone--Severus Snape.
Throughout the story, many hated Snape. He favored those in Slytherin and was a presumed follower of the dark lord from the pages of the "Sorcerer’s Stone." However, Snape was a hero disguised as a villain. Through his death, we learned of his greater plan as Harry’s guardian in the absence of his mother and the power that his love for Lily had over him throughout his life. In 2011, viewers saw Severus Snape die at the hands of Voldemort, and a perspective on a character we hated throughout the series changed forever.
On January 14th, 2015 the world of "Harry Potter" was changed again with the death of Alan Rickman, or as you may know him, Severus Snape.
The untimely death of Rickman was due to a short battle with cancer. He passed away at the age of 69. After his death, fellow witches and wizards took to social media to express their memorial of Severus Snape and the great actor that portrayed him for ten years.
During his time as an actor in the "Harry Potter" world, Rickman became a staple acting favorite among the cast. His portrayal of Snape created one of the most complex character relationships within the story. As Snape, he brought JK Rowling’s pages to life on the set for every movie in the series. Some may even argue that his portrayal of Snape was evident in many movies outside of the world of Hogwarts.
However, if you weren’t paying attention in Potions or Defense Against the Dark Arts, there were lessons that Snape taught us outside of the classroom. Throughout his time as Snape, Rickman portrayed a character that showed us that heroes could be found in unlikely places and that those who die, live within us forever.
Even though his presence will be immortalized on screen forever, the loss of Alan Rickman will be felt in our hearts always.