We've all been there. You don't think you're good enough.
You spend hours fixing your hair, putting on makeup, choosing the perfect outfit. You're just trying to impress your crush in hopes that he notices you. You think of the perfect thing to say and you try to talk to him, hoping that he'l want to hang out. And he ignores you.
You do so much for your friends. You drop your plans. You compromise what you want so they'll be happy too. You would drop anything for them. And then there comes a time where you need their help. And there's no one there.
You study nonstop days in advance for your college midterm. You stay in to study instead of hanging out with friends. You pull an all nighter just to make sure that you are fully prepared for the test. And then you fail.And suddenly you feel like you're not good enough.
The feelings take over you. You try and try to make everyone else happy, that you forget about yourself. You feel defeated. You feel worthless. You feel unloved. It's in these moments that we feel our lowest. Everyone has these low points. But it's important that in these low points to remember whose you are:
You are a child of the God who owns the skies and the seas, but still knows you by name.
You the daughter of the King who is in this world but is not moved by the world.
You belong to the One who is ever present, almighty, and all powerful.
You are a child of God who works everything out for our good and for His glory.
You belong to the Lord of all creation, from the farthest galaxy to the depths of the sea.
You are the daughter of God who wants you, chooses you, and appointed you.
You are His.
No matter what life throws at you, nothing will change the fact that you belong to Him. You are good enough. You are loved. You are worthy. He promises to stay with you, He will protect you, and He loves you more than you could ever imagine. The only One who can truly satisfy your heart is the One who made it. So when you are going through a low point, you can be assured by the fact that you are His.