If you clicked on this article it means something. It means you're a badass who knows what she deserves and is working to get all of it. Or, it means you might be feeling a little bit stuck and need a reminder why and who you are doing all of this for.
Life can become so hectic and you can get caught up in the rat race of the world. Everyone is always in a race to get somewhere faster, get the day over quicker, and make sure they have more money in their pockets then the person standing next to them. It's about time you take a minute to realize that is not what your life is about.
God put you here for a reason. Don't be scared to find out exactly what that reason is.
You're going to fail a million times in your lifetime and if you don't, then you are not doing something right. It's so easy to just get into the motions of things that you forget how to fully live. Take a deep breath. Watch the moon light up the sky. Witness the sun come back up again. Sometimes we need a slap in the face by reality to remind us what we have to lose.
It's so cliche to hear how "we only have one life to live". But when you really think about it, it hits you pretty hard. I know for certain that I want my life to mean something. And I mean really mean something. Not making myself rich, not being the prettiest girl on social media, not any of those things that recently people have become so obsessed with. I want my kids someday to grow up witnessing their mother really showing them to live their life as full as possible. To love with all they've got, not being the least bit worried about heartbreak. One day when I take that last breath I want my friends to celebrate my life like they would know I wanted them to. I want everyone to know I owned every minute God granted to me on this earth.
I'm not ready to settle. I'm not ready to stay put where I am today. I want to see what this entire world has to offer. It's all about taking control of your own life and learning to be selfish with your dreams.
You have to learn to take chances. And be ready to not get exactly what you want in return, but I bet you the experience will be amazing.
Want to learn a different language? Do it. There a million books you could read, websites to search, and don't be afraid to go immerse yourself in something that is bigger than you.
Have love for that guy? Tell him. Don't wait. There are so many sacrifices that we will make in this life. Love should never be mediocre or something we are just okay with because it's what we're used to and safe. If you are not madly in love, don't be with them. If you are madly in love, please be with them.
Ready to start a new career? Go ahead. I don't care if you are a nineteen year old college student changing your major for a third time or a 55 year old in their first and only job..if you want to start something new that you've had a passion for, you do it because you deserve to.
People will talk. They'll make comments and ridicule . But they are not you. They don't know your thoughts, your triumphs, your pain, and who you are. Remember those people are not you. There are so many things you should experience. Make constant mistakes and learn so much by it.
It's all about taking that leap. Living the life you want.