This is a message I've written specifically for Christians. This is a message for all Christians, but it's especially for those who consider themselves to be a Christian conservative. I am just offering a little food for thought regarding the Syrian refugee crisis, and the current genocide we are allowing to take place in Aleppo. Think about this before you go on a rant about building walls or getting these "snakes" out of our country. Think about this before you go to church on Christmas morning.
This Christmas season, I'd like you all to remember what it actually is that many of you are celebrating. If you grew up Christian, like I did, you probably know there's more to the holiday than Santa, presents and food. The story of the Christian Christmas is about a Middle Eastern family seeking refuge. After being ordered by their government to travel by foot for days on end, Mary, a mother-to-be, and her husband Joseph, desperately look for a place to stay. Yet, we all know from the so heavily popularized nativity scene that no one could find a room for the couple to stay in. And, therefore, Jesus was born in a manger.
Does this situation sound familiar to anyone? People risking their lives because their only hope is to travel dangerously for days, or even longer, in search of a better life? Not being welcomed anywhere? If it doesn't resonate with the Syrian refugee crisis to you, then I don't think you understand what Christmas is about. Jesus Christ and his family were Middle Eastern, just like the Syrian refugees that many Christians would love to turn away. It is pretty disheartening to think that if Jesus were to come again today, people wouldn't want to let him or his mother into this country...many of those people being the same exact ones who worship him every Sunday morning. Syrians need and deserve safety, just like Mary, Joseph and Jesus did.
Do you really think Jesus Christ would spew rhetoric about "building a wall" when he was a Middle Eastern refugee himself? Mary and Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem and were turned away from the village inn by the innkeeper. Jesus was born in a less than ideal setting because there was nowhere else for his family to stay. You really think sending undocumented immigrants back to their often war-stricken countries is a Christian moral? That's really the excuse you guys are going to try to pull? Jesus would not discriminate against his own people. I can assure you that. Stop using your religion as an excuse for your bigotry and grow a heart this holiday season.
Learn more about how to help Syrian refugees here. The article will provide you with a variety of different organizations in need of donations and great explanations for each.
Happy holidays to those celebrating ANY religion this