A boy I grew up with recently died.
I found myself crying in my room because of a fallen classmate, and crying because it wasn't very long ago when I thought about ending my own life. And once again, it made me realize just how precious life is. But isn't that something people always tell themselves when bad things happen?
"I should've told her I loved her more and maybe she wouldn't have left."
"If only I showed him how much I appreciated him, and how hard he worked, he wouldn't have fallen in love with someone else."
"If I knew that was going to be the last time we spoke, I would've told him how much I loved him, and how lucky I was to have him in my life."
The problem is, we only think of saying these things to our loved ones when it's too late. We only think of telling them how much we appreciate them or how much we care about them when they've left our lives. We only think of complimenting the girl in our class after we find out she's gone through a breakup or is fighting an eating disorder. And we only think to tell our loved ones just how much we love them and how thankful you are for them once they've left this earth. But, it isn't only our loved ones that we don't compliment or tell how appreciated they are. It's everyone around us, no matter how close you may be and it's ourselves.
I was at a party recently and I had a girl compliment me multiple times and it made my night. Girls are so awful to each other and yet here was this girl, who is beautiful and everyone thinks is gorgeous, taking the time out of her night to tell me how good I look and how I should never feel self-conscious. That right there is exactly what I'm talking about. We never know what someone else is going through. This girl didn't know that I couldn't wait to go home and put on a baggy t-shirt because I felt like a chubby Oompa Loompa. She doesn't know how self-conscious I am about my body shape. And a few simple words made me feel so much better and feel so much more comfortable in what I was wearing. We should be going out of our way all the time to make people feel comfortable in their own skin and in our own.
So, if you see a girl and her makeup or her outfit looks incredible: tell her.
If you know the guy next to you in class was super stressed about the exam and you find out he killed it: congratulate him.
If one of your friends feels unimportant: tell them what they mean to you.
And if you wake up and can't see anything past your flaws: look in the mirror and say "I love you."
Now I know that last one, may come off weird but hear me out because I'm going to give you some advice that has taken me years to figure out. We are our own worst critics, and sometimes even when our loved ones are telling us our value and how much they love us, but we still just can't see it ourselves. I have days where I won't get out of bed because I can't see past my flaws. I'll look in the mirror and all I will see is my bright red birthmark or the blemishes on my face. I'll try on a new outfit and instantly want to cry because I hate my curves. Or I won't even attempt my math homework without any help because I don't believe I can figure it out on my own before I've even tried. And then on one of my really bad days, my best friend went off on me. She started telling me how she understood that my anxiety and depression doesn't make sense but she was still frustrated that I can't see my own worth. So she literally made a list of 50 things about me that she loves or admires until I had tears running down my face. I needed someone to be blunt with me in order for me to start seeing my own worth. So here is my advice when you can't feel your own worth. Get out of bed. Put on that cute new outfit. Put on a new color of lipstick you want to try. Look at yourself in the mirror and just compliment yourself. I know that sounds weird, or like I'm telling you to be conceded, and maybe I am, but do it. You are beautiful and you have so much worth. Look in that mirror and say, "damn I look good. I'm going to have a good day." And to top it off, take a minute to tell yourself "I love you". We need to learn to love ourselves before we can love others.
Life is hard enough as it is and we definitely could all use a little pick me up sometimes. Whether it's a close friend, a family member, a stranger, or yourself, say I love you or give that compliment even if you think it may come off weird. So go out and tell everyone what they mean to you, or that you appreciate them. You never know what they could be going through.
And always remember to love yourself, too.