Dear Me,
You always believed that your life was an adventure. Life is colored by the experiences with the people who helped you to become exactly who you were destined to be. You were always able to create as many plans as you desired, but in your heart you always knew that nothing was set in stone, and that your destiny would play out precisely in the way it was meant to. As you read this letter, 50, 60, 70 years into the future, I hope you are reading it with a smile on your face. I hope you have accomplished many meaningful pursuits, and that I have stood my own over the years. I hope that you have taken the time to cherish each and every moment with the people who have ventured into my life. I hope that every heartbreak and obstacle that came your way made you stronger. I hope that you laugh more than you cry, and you are not looking back with regret.
I cannot pretend to know that I have an idea of what the future holds, but there are a few things that I want you to remember. Of course, I doubt that you have forgotten, but just in case you have this letter is here to remind you. As a young woman in college, nothing beats the feeling of the world being at my fingertips. Each day is new with unending possibilities, and although I am not entirely sure where my path will take me, there is a beautiful feeling with each morning. I feel free to make my own choices and to follow my dreams, and I hope that this has remained true throughout my years. I also hope that you remember how much fun these early years of adulthood have been. So many silly memories with friends are made and weekends feel like carefree adventures. I hope you can recall those nights that turned into mornings too quickly as you spent hours giggling uncontrollably with your best friends in existence. I hope you are able to grin when you reminisce about your first dances with romance. At 20, it seems nothing could ever compare with the warmth and the glow that accompanies holding hands with someone who is slowly becoming your everything. It's incredible, it's like being a child all over again, I hope this is a feeling you are still experiencing, even if your dance partner has changed.
Perhaps I am only at the beginning of my journey, and I know I have a lot of life left to live. But I never want to forget the craziness, the happiness and the bliss that I am currently taking part in. Years from now, when you read this, may it be with a smile on your face, fondly recalling those moments when your world was light. May your heart still be as young as it was when you wrote this letter to yourself.