It's easy to think 100 steps ahead of ourselves and I am the first to admit I am guilty of doing so. But, what I have learned over my 24 years of life is that what I am thinking may not always the truth, or anywhere near reality. Jumping to conclusion can be the demise of something great, including a relationship, your happiness, and everybody's sanity. Trust that people are good, that you will get what you earn, and someone will be there to catch you if you fall.
1. If you're thinking about them, they're probably thinking about you.
Stop working yourself up because that special someone hasn't texted you back in 20 minutes, or they opened your Snapchat but didn't reply yet. Think about all the times that you have done the same thing. When you did it, was it to be malicious? Was it because you were in the middle of something? If you know that they care about you and you care about them, cut them some slack. There are a million reasons why they haven't responded, but have faith that they will.
2. Going to bed doesn't make you lame.
Sleep, how I love you so. Do I sleep enough? No! Do I love it and miss it as soon as I wake up for the day? Yes!
A lot of times I don't get enough sleep because I make plans to stay out late or get up early. Hello, I'm Rebecca and I have a severe case of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).
Throughout my college experience, I came to realize that there will always be another party or time to make memories with friends, but if I don't sleep enough, YIKES! My inner crazy lady emerges. Go to bed, sleep in, take care of you. No one should be upset with you for listening to what your body needs and if they are, boy bye!
3. Trust your gut.
It's that easy. Listen to what your gut is saying, because it has a funny way of always being right.
4. You are allowed to be selfish.
Worrying about yourself and not saying "yes" to everything is often times seen as selfish, but I promise you, it's not. You are allowed to say "no" and let people do things themselves. They are capable of succeeding on their own and you are allowed to worry about your needs and do what's best for you.
5. Saying goodbye is easier than you think.
That guy or girl you've been talking to who barely replies but you still try hard to make that connection, or the job that you hate going to every day, or those friends who stopped making your feelings a priority. Trust me when I say, you will have more crushes, there will be another job, and you will find more friends. Is it hard to say goodbye and walk away? Yes, it is incredibly hard, but sometimes it can be harder to stay. If they want to keep you, they will fight for you. Just know that at the end of the day saying goodbye can be the best option.
6. Talking to someone does not make you weak.
Bottling your feelings in will not make the problems go away and it will not make you feel any better. Talk to someone. It could be a parent, a therapist, a friend, or a stranger you met on a bus. Get those feeling out, even if what you're saying doesn't make sense. Eventually, it will and it will feel AMAZING!
7. You are worth it.
You are worth grand gestures, you are worth working through a big fight and a rough week, you are worth staying up all hours to get to know, you are worth taking a chance on, and you are worth fighting for.