Behold: Weird Trends Of The 2000s | The Odyssey Online
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Behold: Weird Trends Of The 2000s

There were many interesting, funny, and sometimes very irrational fads and fashions that were popular in the first decade of the 2000s.

Behold: Weird Trends Of The 2000s

1. Webkinz

No matter what your interests were, you had a Webkinz at some point of your childhood. Whether you purchased it because it was soft, or you wanted to play the online games, everyone bought one at one point in their life. Since then, you probably have tried to log in to your Webkinz account just to play those few games that you enjoyed when you were a kid.

2. Club Penguin

You may had begged you parents to pay for you to buy a "puffle" to help make your igloo more exciting. There were certain penguins that were always on when you were, and you communicated though the Club Penguin chat. They were always willing to play you in Sled Racing.

3. Peace Signs

Peace signs were popular everyone. On clothing, accessories, or posing in a picture. The duck face was usually included.

4. Sugar Lips

Sugar lips were a part of every outfit throughout Middle School. Some people even layered their sugar lips and wore more than one. Usually a neon one, with a white or black one. They were also worn under other shirts.

5. Tamagotchis

You couldn't eat or sleep until your Tamagotchi slept and ate. Eventually, you wanted to have a baby Tamagotchi and may have gotten another one just so you could have a child. One sad day, you looked at the screen and your Tamagotchi had died. You then questioned everything you did to take care of it, and all the effort you put into it. You were crushed.

6. Video-chatting (VCing)

The most popular after school activity was going on Ichat and video-chatting your three best friends. While video-chatting you would watch your buddy list and try and figure out who was video-chatting who and wait for more people to come on that you could IM. Soon you learned that going on an effect made the video chat freeze. Going on invisible was the biggest scandal created at that time. If you wanted to be funny, you would use the preset "at a meeting" as your status just to confuse people.

7. Kooky Pens

No one was really sure what the excitement was with Kooky Pens, but trading with your friends and making sure you had the coolest pens, and the most, was a popular activity throughout Middle School. Sometimes you even used it as a pen in school.

8. Butter Sweatshirts

This was probably your most expensive item of clothing while growing up. Butter Sweatshirts were soft and trendy. They always united friends because people had matching colors, sayings, or shapes on their sweatshirts.

9. Silicone Bracelets

This may had started with raising awareness, but by the end of this fashion people were trading their bracelets to find the ones with the coolest colors and expressions on them.

10. iPods

We now take for granted not having to use the dial of the iPods to change the songs, change the volume, pause, and fast forward. Every year was a different size iPod, a different color, and different features.

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