People start Christmas shopping so early nowadays. I remember my mom asking me for my Christmas list in September because she wanted to start shopping early, but I seriously didn't know what I wanted. As I started thinking about what to put on my list, I really couldn't come up with much. After seeing this Total Sorority Move article titled "23 Things My Boyfriend Better Not Get Me For Christmas," it really hit me hard. Since when has Christmas become more about the gifts than spending time with the people you love? Since when has Christmas become more about the gifts than the birth of our Savior? I think we all need a reminder, myself included, that Christmas is not all about the gifts.
Remember, Christmas is not a time to be greedy.
When I first read the article above, I was shocked. I thought it was going to be something funny, but it honestly disgusted me. I know that if my boyfriend did not get me a single gift for Christmas, I'd still be happy because I was spending the holidays with him, which is something that most people don't get to do. Not only did this put a bad spotlight on Greek life (what's new), but it really put in perspective how greedy our world is. People cannot wait for Christmas to come around every year because they can finally get that gift they've been waiting for all year.
Remember, Christmas is a time to spend with the ones you love.
If you're someone like me who has family that does not live close to you, Christmas is about the only time I get to see them all year. Honestly, seeing them is one of the best gifts I get for Christmas. Seeing my family reminds me of how crazy we all are and how much I love them. Spending time with them honestly makes me forget how many presents are under the tree when we all get together at my Mamaw's house! This year, I have the pleasure of spending Christmas with my boyfriend's family, and it will make me realize just how blessed I am to be surrounded by so many people that I love and care about.
Remember, Christmas is only a holiday because Christ was born.
The only reason we give gifts on Christmas is because of the presents the Wise Men gave to baby Jesus when he was born. Now, don't get me wrong, the gifts are great. This Christmas, because I'm actually not broke and have a job at school, I'm able to get everyone I care about presents. I love the surprises and their faces whenever I give them their gifts. If I had enough money to spoil everyone, I would, because I love giving more than getting. When I step back and realize the only reason that giving gifts is because of the Wise Men's faith in Jesus, I realize just how thankful I should be this Christmas.
I hope we all have a great Christmas season because we all deserve it after a hard year! Just remember the real reason for Christmas.
John 3:16- For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.