Sun kissed sand at the end of an August day seeping into the spaces between your fingers, benevolently embracing the stiff bottoms of your feet. The orange and purple sky is twisting with the blues, goldening your skin and teasing the surface of the ocean for a few last wishful moments. In these moments, I swear your path can meet the soul of the earth.
Your journey will not ever be what you expect it to be. You never know who you will meet or how they will change you. Your house, your family, your friends and your dreams will change throughout your entire life. Your mind will adjust and open up, your skin and your entire body will change. Your eyes though, those, those will stay the same. They will become stronger, more calm, but they will always stay that same incredible color--they will always be able to inspire the type of happiness you pine for in others. I can promise you that.
Plans will never work out the exact way they are supposed to so there is no reason to stress over them when they start to unravel. People will break your heart and you will become hesitant with who you give it to. Your feet will get tired and your mind and soul will sometimes feel too heavy to carry. When these moments happen to you, please remember: kindness is always there to hold you up. You just have to be willing to open your eyes--to risk getting hurt in the search for warmth.
Nothing cannot be fixed by a smile, some salt water and a sunset with your bare feet grounded into the earth.
Beauty exists in the way rain sits on the grass in the morning. In the way lightning stretches across the sky and the way thunder grabs at your core. In the tops of high grass and in the smell of lilacs is where you can find the remedy to life.
As for me, you can find me in the waves. Just like the waves I will always come back, no matter how far out the tide takes me. I will always come right back to remind you of the beauty and the kindness that exists across the sea...and right at your feet.