As winter has come upon us, it seems like the 24-hour stomach bug is hitting everyone, everywhere, hard. First it was me, then all of my friends, and now my family. As I sit here taking care of my 5 year old niece, I couldn't help but share the remedies we are trying for this little girl to feel better. Hopefully these will help you too!
1. Stay Hydrated
While suffering through the bug, the last thing you want your body to go through is dehydration. While adults should be drinking at least 8oz of fluids every hour, children should stay around 1oz. But, don't just stick with water. Keep fluids running through your body like tea, diluted juices and diluted sports drinks to help process electrolytes you may have lost.
2. Keep Clean
It seems to be the worst feeling, when you are sick, to be in the same clothes just drenched in your virus. Make sure to be washing your hands constantly, to prevent spreading the germ. Taking a hot bath or shower can make you feel better: you'll feel clean and ready to take on whatever this bug will throw at you next.
3. Sleep
Watching Spongebob Squarepants all day can get boring, (even though it may not seem like it). Get some rest, because while you sleep, it's hard to remember why you feel so bad in the first place. You may feel like a lazy bum, but you totally have the right to be one.
4. Let It Run It's Course
Sometimes, there isn't much you can do about the bug that caught you. A lot of the time, no matter how much you are hydrated, how many baths you've taken, or how much rest you have gotten, the bug just has to do it's thing. You might feel horrible now, but it shouldn't last long.