To the teenagers and young adults who depend on or who hoped to use DACA for eligibility and work permits,
I am so sorry that this country has failed you. I am so sorry that the hope we once provided is now on the verge of being ripped away from you. You have paid your dues and met the requirements. You have put in work and effort and service. You have done nothing wrong, but the actions of our government are now punishing you.
You have met the requirements. You are not felons or criminals. You are educated or in the process of becoming educated. You are young Americans who were placed in a difficult situation, but you are attempting to make the most of it.
A country defined as a melting pot of cultures should not be ashamed to help immigrants. I understand people's insistence that legal immigration should be enforced, but the population relying on DACA, your population, is not one intentionally breaking our laws. You were brought to this country as a child; you have grown up alongside the children and nieces and nephews of the very officials now putting your lives on the line.
You may not know anything about the country you were born in or the language people speak there. You have been raised in America, most likely with American values and American customs, how can we expect you to return to a place you do not remember and are not familiar with? Why should you be punished for the choices others have made, choices you did not have a say in?
The political mess that we have created in this country is frustrating to many, to say the least. Some will argue that the only news that the media covers about our government today is negative news; now, while there may lie truth in that notion it cannot be argued that thereis a lot of negative news to be covered right now.
I am sure that there are positive things being done as well, but any positive accomplishments are being overshadowed by larger, more controversial issues. There is disconnect, complacency, pettiness, drama, you name it. It will never be perfect, but it can and should be better than this.
Please do not stop dreaming. Keep working hard. Continue your studies for as long as you are able. Never stop showing us that not only do you deserve to be a part of this country but that you belong here. Hopefully, one day, that will be more widely recognized. I fiercely hope that our government will find a solution that will continue to support you. For now, know that there are people who recognize what you do and what you have accomplished, and you have support. Never stop dreaming.