So many different tragedies across America have happened within the last week. But in most sudden deaths, are all victims ready to die?
In Hampton Roads, Va. two families said their final goodbyes to their son and daughter on July 9.
During Fourth of July weekend two friends were traveling together back home and the driver lost control of the car and hit a tree. Both friends were killed in the crash. The driver 21 and his passenger 18.
On the day of the funerals, the services were held in separate churches and it was filled with family and friends.
All across the world people die everyday but the life a person lives on earth will determine where their afterlife resting place will be. In most religions practiced all are taught to pray and worship God.
Having a religion in the world today still matters. What you practice everyday still matters. Because the life you live determines how others will view you. To be religious means to believe in one God or many Gods and being spiritual. While religious can mean the same thing but it is a sense of interest in God or belief that is important and acted on.
Attending one of the services for one of the victims that died, shined light on me that it is important to take church seriously and know God. I was raised in a Pentecostal church, so attending the service bought memories back to me and made me realize the life I come from.
Church nowadays has really changed but God has not. Back in the day, church was taken more serious by the leaders of the church, meaning that when saints misbehaved in church, they would be disciplined by church officials. To be disciplined they would have a conversation about the type of actions they did and be corrected. Whoever that was disciplined would genuinely accept the positive criticism and follow order.
In church, leaders represent something big. Which is why if it is ever mentioned in conversation, it will be an on-going thing. Religion is a touchy topic to some. If you want to know how people view the world, the creator, heaven and hell, conversant about religion.
To be religious is to have repetition in your faith. There are many religions presently but whichever a person chooses to practice, it will always have meaning to that individual. However a person worships should always remind them of where they come from.
Whether a person is religious or believes in religion, they should not be judged by the life they have grown to know. Church is available to those who want to continually seek their creator by prayer and fasting. One thing for sure is that a person should not be discouraged by people inside the church. Chances are they will probably have a similar story.
Those who are not a part of the church world, should still give church a chance. In every church, you will never find perfect people, only a perfect God.