The last week of classes is underway and finals are just around the corner. It may seem like all of your professors decided to get together for dinner and discuss how many things that could all assign before the end of this week. And, it's also time to start studying, so that's another thing that you can add to your never-ending "To Do" list.
Finals are the last step that can help you get that A in that class you have been working really hard in all semester for, so it is not time to give up yet (even if you think that the whole universe is working against you right now.) Here are some strategies on how to be successful while not stressing yourself out about all your upcoming exams.
1. Make a schedule.Â
It's time to break out that planner that you may have forgotten to use since coming back to school after Thanksgiving break. You can use your planner to see how many days in advance that you have before each of your exams. Then, you can block out time each day where you are going to study a certain class.
2. Give yourself a time limit.Â
Give yourself a time limit. It is impossible to know all the information and making yourself stare at a textbook or your notes for hours on end does not help you remember the information any better. But rather start down and do a little bit each day.
3. Review sessions.Â
You will be able to get advice for students who did well in the past. And, the student teachers often give out review worksheets and practice exams.
4. Exercise.Â
You can get a group of friends together and all go to the gym. This way you'll be able to catch up on their lives and release endorphins, which act as natural painkillers to relieve stress. You'll also boost your immune system, and energy levels so you'll to able to focus more when you are ready to study.
5. Study in the mornings, rather than at night.Â
You will most likely have more time and feel less rushed if you get up earlier. At night you'll be able to chat with your friends or read a book before going to bed.
6. All nighters?
Haven't heard of her. This is definitely not the time to stay up all night and cram information into your brain. You probably will not remember any of the info. To make matters worse you'll probably be so tired in the morning that you also won't be able to think as rationally.
7. Limit your phone ususage.Â
Apple measures how much time you spend per day and in settings you can set limits for how long you want to allow yourself to use your phone. If you find your computer is super distracting you can use websites like "StayFocused" which allows you to limit the amount of time you can spend on certain websites.
8. Reward yourself.Â
After a day of studying, find something small that you can do like going to the Starbucks, or ordering food from Chipotle. It doesn't have to be something super expensive, but it motivates you to get your work done.
Good Luck!