You can learn a lot about what was wrong in a relationship after it's over. Like they say. hindsight is 20/20. When you start to realize your worth, you'll realize when people are not treating you the way they should be.
Thank you to the toxic people in my life. Thank you for showing me I deserve more. Thank you for showing me how to stand up for myself. Thank you for proving that the quality of a relationship is more important than the quantity of the years you've spent together. Thank you for proving to me that cutting someone out of my life doesn't have to mean I have to stop caring about them.
Because of you, I've learned what behavior is acceptable, and I have no qualms about letting people who are new to my life know if they overstep their bounds. I was introduced to toxicity so gradually that I was able to keep up with it and remove it every chance I got. Now I know the signs. I know far too many people who have not been so fortunate.
Because of you, I have been able to appreciate those who have been there for me more than I ever could have had I not met you. Because of you, I know how not to act toward those I am supposed to care about. You have taught me the importance of analyzing my own behavior and holding myself accountable when I have made mistakes because I have watched the collateral damage that occurs when you do not take responsibility for your actions.
So thank you. Thank you for all you have taught me about myself. Thank you for all you have taught me about the world. Most of all, thank you for not leaving me bitter. None of you were awful people, you just weren't people who were good for me. Thank you for giving me the judgment to see that difference.