We're all guilty of the same thing. We log into Facebook or Tumblr and go to the page of the person we're dating, or interested in, and snoop. Sure, we look at the things they've posted, but we also look at which people have liked certain posts and pictures. It's a kind of unhealthy obsession, at times. Who hasn't spent too long lurking on social media and getting worked up over the "wrong people" liking pictures?
Social media has, unfortunately, become a part of our culture and it's difficult to avoid. I'm not here to say you should avoid Facebook altogether because, let's be real, you won't. But it's definitely worth your while to examine how you use social media. Facebook and other sites often lead to issues in relationships because one person may get jealous or upset after seeing that their boyfriend's ex-girlfriend from three years ago sent him a friend request. How silly is that? It's incredibly silly but it's a real problem. There is absolutely nothing to gain from allowing social media to influence your relationship.
Not only can social media cause couples to fight over petty things, but it also can take real life experiences away. If you're so concerned with your Instagram pictures, you might miss out on spending quality time with the person you love. Putting the phone down can not only help you as an individual, but also your relationship. My boyfriend and I agreed to put our phones away while we're together so that we can really enjoy the times we have together. I'll admit that I snoop, sometimes, and afterwards, I always feel horrible. I give myself anxiety over what I see on Facebook and it's truly unhealthy for me, as well as my relationship. After spending time away from my phone, I've found that I have a much stronger relationship with my boyfriend because I'm not worrying over problems that actually don't exist.
If you're one of those people who gets worked up after snooping through your boyfriend or girlfriend's pictures, take a moment to realize why you're upset. Is there really an issue? Most likely, no. If this is a reoccurring issue, allow yourself to take a break from social media. You don't have to drop off the face of the Earth, just put your phone down, close your laptop, and spend real time with the person you love.