I have found some humorous points when people portray dating. By that I mean a few different things.
Let’s start small. When two people are getting to know each other, courting you might say before they begin a relationship, they are together quite often. That is a typical truth for everyone I think. And that is totally fine because this guy and girl are so excited about this newly developing attraction!
It is such a rush every time you see that person. Every time you learn something new about them, you’re tattooing it to your brain.
So that is fine, right? Seeing them every day if you can at least for a quick few minutes to get a warm and fuzzy conversation that makes you feel on a cloud again. Now, it has been a month, and you finally make it official. This is a big change, apparently to this society at least.
Why do I say this society? Well, since I have been dating Chelsie for just over a year, I have had some interesting thoughts from other people on how I am supposed to date her.
I have learned that many people seem to think that when you finally make a relationship official, you cannot just hang out with them like you used to. It seems that the more in depth you get into a girlfriend/boyfriend relationship, the less you are supposed see each other. That is what I have gathered from others’ ways of doing their relationships. Sometimes, too, I have literally been told from people that I should not have the desire to hang out with Chelsie as much as when we weren’t a couple.
Now, I will say this. I do have a very busy, social life as a junior at MBU. Currently I participate in many college activities, and I make lots of plans with friends (often too many!). So, there is no way that I can only spend time with Chelsie.
Therefore, I believe that this ‘understood truth’ of when you start a dating relationship you are supposed to hang out less and less, not wanting to see each other as much, is completely confusing. I truly don’t understand it.
With Chelsie, I just keep want to get to know her more every day. We are dating to pursue a marriage, right? Why else would you date someone if it is just going to end, anyways?
So, this is my plea. I hope that as you have read this that you see that dating couples should have lives other than their time together. However, they should have a desire to want to spend time together. They should enjoy being in the company of that person. It really should not be an annoyance or struggle to take time to spend time with them.
We’ve been dating for a year and I still want to have lots of time to be with my girlfriend, and that is completely normal.