To the Friends Who Think Relationships Are More Important | The Odyssey Online
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To The People Who Think Relationships Are More Important Than Friendships

A reminder to look at those who care the most about you before it's too late.

To The People Who Think Relationships Are More Important Than Friendships

As we enter college, the pressure to be in a relationship is so real that it's almost maddening. It seems like that it's what society deems college to be about for everyone - the future boyfriend/girlfriend. Women supposedly are going for their MRS degree, and guys just wanna get some.

Sadly, I think that mentality is infiltrating the minds of students and making us lose focus on what's important. Not that every student is like this, but it seems like relationships are the main thing lately. So, here's where the real stuff starts. We understand that school, work, a social life, and a relationship all are extremely hard to balance. It's hard to manage everything and sometimes one will take precedence over the other. For example, school and work have a tendency to overtake my life, and I leave my friends behind in pursuit of grades and promotion.

It's something that I have to remind myself of on the daily, to keep in touch with friends and family. However, if your relationship makes you forget or neglect your friends, there may be a problem. Granted, every relationship has a chance of failing, but you also have to remember those who are really there for you.

It's not fair to your friends when you continually cancel on your friends for your partner, or when you leave your friends in a bar for a guy, or when all you talk about is your relationship. Yes, we understand that your relationship is a big part of your life, but we want to know all about you, not how great your partner is. While we think that's great and all, we love you, not them.

We, as your friends, care so much about YOU.

And when all you talk about is them, all you do is hang out with them, and then abandon us, it feels like you don't care about us. It makes your friends feel so undervalued and used in the relationship.

Coming from two friendships like that, I can say from personal experience that it's so frustrating. It seems like you're only wanted when you're needed, even if you're just coming around to hang out. You wonder if it's a completely one-sided relationship and it kills the friendship. We love you, we want to be there, to take care of you, but if that's happening it's so emotionally draining we can't handle it. And then that leads to argument and ex-friends, which is something no one likes to go through.

So, those who value their relationships over there friendship...make sure that you take a look at the people who're are actually there for you! Your friends are the ones who have your back, who listen to every problem, who run to your side any time. Friends love you unconditionally, so just remember to show them the love that they deserve before it's too late. Don't lose a friend over a relationship unless it's necessary! Your friends love and miss you, so please don't leave them in the dust.

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