The Princess Bride. A lovable classic that some (myself included) would go as far as to say is one of the best movies of all time. The Princess Bride has taught me valuable life lessons and to always believe in yourself, and The ROUS's.
These are the top 10 lessons on relationships that I learned from The Princess Bride:
1. Sometimes, you have to make tough choices for the better of the relationship.
Sometimes it's best to make the tougher choices, even if it seems wrong at the time. Even if that thing is agreeing to marry Prince Humperdinck. The important thing to remember is that if it's meant to be, it will all work out in the end. There is nothing stronger than true love.
2. Honesty Is Key
It might not always be pretty or sweet but being honest is important for any relationship. You must be able to tell your partner even the hardest of truths. Like, for instance, that you have 6 fingers on your right hand.
3. There is more than one way to say "I love you."
If you truly love someone, you can show your love in a multitude of ways. You can fold their laundry, pick up their favorite snack on the way home, make sure the DVR catches their favorite show. Or even make sure that they can always reach that pitcher that they really don't even need.
4. Always be there to educate each other.
Part of being in a relationship is learning and growing together. You should never let your partner walk around uneducated. Help them better themselves and even their vocabulary. My advice is something like a word-of-the-day calendar.
5. Never give up on each other.
Even when all seems lost and hopeless, remember that true love conquers all things. Nothing can keep you two apart, not even a vicious fire swamp or The Dread Pirate Roberts, so why let a fight tear you down?
6. No name calling.
It may seem cathartic at the time, but it will only lead to regret soon after. There is no use in naming calling. Save it for the ones who actually deserve it, like Prince Humperdinck. He's totally a warthog faced buffoon.
7. It's not always going to be easy.
Relationships aren't always cupcakes and MLT's (mutton, lettuce and tomato-where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.) There are days where you may still love them, but you just don't really like them right now. One day you were staring at your precious farm boy and the next he's acting like a heartless pirate. But fear not, your precious farm boy is still in there. True love sticks it out. Rough patches are normal for anyone. You can survive it.
8. Don't be boastful
Keeping score won't get you anywhere. Instead, just do good things for the relationship just for the sake of doing them. In the long run, you're both winning, right?
9. Sometimes it's best just to let things go.
It may seem really important now, but in the grand scheme of things it might not be. Give yourself a few minutes to put everything into perspective. Was it worth yelling about? Is there something more important to focus on? Like possibly storming a castle surrounded by 60 men? That argument might be more of a liability than an asset.
10. Make time for each other.
Life can get in the way, just like a good pirating career. Make sure to do your best to set aside time just for the two of you. That's the recipe for a good happily ever after.