1. Apple watches remind you to stand up and when you haven't moved around in a while.
2. Throughout the day give you little alerts reminding you to be active and how much you have accomplished so far in the day.
3. If you have an iPhone the watch sends you notifications that you would typically have to check your phone to receive.
4. When you lift up your arm you can see pictures which you enjoy viewing at countless amounts of random times.
5. Gives you the option to control your phone without needing to look completely anti-social or uninterested in what's going on around you.
6. Allows the opportunity if you're upset with another person to just see a glimpse of what they're talking about and then you can decided if want to read the message at that particular moment.
7. Provides you with an additional Siri to ask to complete certain tasks for you.
8. Allows the user to multi task more efficiently then before the introduction of the Apple Watch.
9. The friendly updates regarding you and your activity levels on the daily and weekly based always manages to make people smile or at least me.
10. The graphics are beautiful and offer you many bonus to enhance the users life.