If you spend quite a bit of time on Facebook, you know what I mean when I say there are quite a few articles (most of them click bait) that have two flavors. The first is "Why your relationship isn't perfect (or something along those lines). The second is "Why you've found your soulmate" (or some junk like that).
I'm sorry to bash on these types of articles, but they really are little more than fluff-filled dribble. They're based on how many words you need for an article, and they really don't mean anything.
If I were so inclined, I could write an article which dealt solely on how you know if your partner is the one. I could tell you he or she has to enjoy the same things you enjoy or that you have to both like the same foods.
It's all a load of garbage. It's about page views and shares. My girlfriend loves "High School Musical;" I hate it. I think most men can agree with that statement. It's not generally something guys just "enjoy." (Not saying men can't enjoy it. The clapping and dancing just doesn't pump us up for some odd reason.) What's nice about me disliking things she likes is that it doesn't mean I don't watch it, it just means I compromise (speaking from experience on that one).
Compromise and communication are the lifeblood of relationships, and I can't stress their importance enough. There's no quick "how to know if your significant other is cheating on you," and there's no "How to make sure your significant other is the one."
They say that love is a chore, and if it is, it's my favorite chore. It's not always easy, and things don't go the way you want. Maybe things aren't effortless, but they're not worthless, either. I'm still young, and I'm not perfect at this, and with the way our culture has warped our perspective on life, it becomes hard to actually act the way we should.
I haven't experienced huge arguments, and I haven't learned what it means to be working together, day in and day out, but I understand there's no easy way to work together, no short-cuts and no cheats.
To put it into a box, it's the hardest and most rewarding work you could ever do. Your relationship isn't perfect, but it's yours, and it's worth actually seeing it through.
The next time you see a relationship article of Facebook, be careful how much stock you put into them. The greatest problem in relationships is overthinking things. Some people might actually realize something important they've been missing, or trying to deny, but the gross majority are just getting sucked up into a whirlwind of doubt and anxiety.