It's okay to not spend every holiday with your S/O.
Don't expect them to pay for everything. At least attempt to pay for something.
Maybe it's just Starbucks here and Bahama bucks there. When you spend a lot of time together, you can easily get used to a routine of one of you constantly paying for everything.
Don't expect them to get you expensive concert tickets or pricey jewelry.
Speaking of jewelry: don't expect him to get you the biggest ring that 'would make people worry for your safety when you go swimming with it'.
He doesn't have to follow the rule of so many months of pay for the ring.
It's just a ring, and remember what happened to Kim Kardashian's ring? Yeah, that changed my mind too. Or how Chuck in Gossip Girl didn't let go of that ring and that's why he got shot. Yeah terrifying.
Don't expect them to text you right before they fall asleep. Some people fall asleep easily and can just go to sleep at any minute.
Don't expect them to give up all of their friends for you
"What are we" is a question that everyone dreads. When somebody asks me that, I freak out and even if I want it to be more, I say 'just friends' because I'm put on the spot and I've always been taught that it's a very stressful question.
These expectations can lead to disappointing relationships. Some people think these are necessary requirements, but they are not!
Don't expect these from people, and they won't expect them from you.