Whoever has seen this amazing series, (which I highly recommend if you haven't seen it yet) knows there are quite a few memorable moments and more importantly these moments we can all relate to.
1. Ted Mosby stealing the blue french horn for Robin.
Even if you aren't going to go and do something extreme like that, we all want someone who will.
2. The interventions.
We all know our friends would be there for us if we needed an intervention, just maybe without a banner.
3. High fives ... or self fives.
Enjoy the little things and give someone a high five or if you earned it give yourself one!
4. How Robin deals with problems.
Crying under a desk and drinking wine is a normal way to deal with life, right?
5. When everyone dressed up as John Bender for Halloween.
We've all had those experiences with our group where plans weren't fully thought through and it ended in chaos.
6. Ted's stance on his career and love life.
But really we all feel this way, even though it the end it will most likely work out.
7. Marshall and Lily's love.
Finding a quirky and true love like theirs is something we all hope for.
8. Barney always playing laser tag.
There is a kid in all of us and we should all go do laser tag once in a while.
9. Their bar "Puzzles."
Everyone jokes about opening their own bar with friends but we can see that it can be a lot harder than it looks.
10. Legen ... wait for it ... dary.
This good life tip from Barney that we take to heart, especially when we need an excuse to have fun.
11. Lily knowing when something is up.
We all have that friend that just knows when something is up and will call us out on it.
12. The road trips.
Can you really say you're best friends with someone if you haven't done a road trip of some sorts with them?
13. Ted's random tidbits of truth.
And this quote is the truest of all.
14. The love for your friends.
The best part of the show, throughout the whole series, was the love the group had for each other.