As a vegan, sometimes people ask me questions that are just plain dumb. And unfortunately, I think all vegans can relate. Here are the top ten things I hear that make me shake my head.
"What do you even eat?"
Oh you know... small children, woodland creatures, the usual.
"How do you get any protein?"
Plant based protein is a thing, people.
"Aren't you hungry?"
If you're offering to buy me French fries, then yes.
"You must eat so healthily."Â
Haha yep. I definitely didn't just eat a whole sleeve of Oreos slathered in peanut butter.
"Isn't that like, so hard?"
Yes. Every day I wake up and I have to force myself to eat my coconut yogurt parfait with fresh fruit and granola without vomiting. It's awful. I don't know why I do it. *rolls eyes* Really though, sure it can be challenging at times but I wouldn't say it's that difficult overall. It's surprisingly easy to find delicious substitutes for foods you would normally eat, like milk and even ground beef.
"So can you just eat salad and stuff?"
You know what.... yeah. I just eat salads. And stuff.
"Vegan means no meat, right?"
Good try... I guess?
"But would you eat meat if you had to survive?"
Yes, Karen. If I was stranded on a desert island I wouldn't just let myself starve. But also let's be honest, a million things would have already killed me by the time I managed to successfully catch an animal.
"Doesn't this look so good, though?"
No. That hunk of old greasy flesh that somebody ground up, squished into a ball, and threw on the grill doesn't look good. Sorry, not sorry.
This is one of the only things I actually love to hear regarding my veganism. Because I will never miss a chance to tell someone how what they consume every day could be making a much more positive impact on their health, the environment, and the lives of this planet's animals. And I'm living proof!