Growing up, you probably watched SpongeBob, and if you didn't, you must have been a Patrick Star — AKA you lived under a rock. Either way, we've all had these experiences, and who better to exemplify them than the ever-relatable SpongeBob?
SpongeBob became our spirit animal when we...
Died from embarrassment
It happens to the best of us.
Peaked through a window when you heard someone outside your house
Is it a murderer? Or just the mail man? Either way you don't want to get spotted.
Started crying because you missed your family/friends
It's hard being away from home.
With life. But also responsibilities.
Got tired doing some easy task
Walking upstairs is hard, OK? I need to start power lifting stuffed animals.
Felt like a hot mess but didn't care
Always be proud even when you feel ugly (which you are not).
Regretted reading/watching/listening to a scary story
Or go down a creepy deep dive at 3 A.M. Many bad decisions.
Been dramatically sad
There's probably some internal monologue narrating.
Forgot everything when first getting a test
What's my name again???
Made a cool exit
Cool. Cool. Cool. Cooooool.
Annoyed a sleeping animal
Why? You don't know. You just had to.
It's fun to procrastinate, but the consequences aren't.
Done something extremely embarrassing.
It's not like no one will remember. JK, someone will and will bring it up many times.