Note: An immense amount of sarcasm is found in this article.
1. Someone comes up to you when you're drawing and says, "OH MY GOSH DID YOU DRAW THAT?!?"
Like no, there's a ghost drawing this while I'm observing it. I totally can't even draw. I mean, even though I'm holding this pencil and literally drawing lines right in front of you, I totally did not draw this on my own paper. In fact, what is this drawing that you speak of?
2. When the teacher asks if there are any people in the class who is an artist and everyone's head immediately turns around to look at you.
Yes, everyone please look at me! This is totally not incredibly awkward because if you look at me, the teacher will either make me answer super fun questions about art and my experience for at least 10 minutes. But it's okay because I just love all of the attention on me!
3. When you just draw a circle and someone says, "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE SO GOOD AT ART! I WISH I WAS YOU!!!"
I know right? To be honest, circles are SO hard to draw. Like only artists can draw circles. Even though I originally thought that circles are literally a shape everyone can draw, apparently circles that are so-called "uneven" circles aren't considered circles! I never knew this since in preschool! I guess I just went to the wrong preschool then!
4. When the teacher talks about a partner project and several people come up to you asking you to be their partner mainly because they know you're artistic.
I love how you all want to work for me just because I'm an artist! I totally don't feel used right now. But it's okay! I love being used for projects and I love how you pretend as if we're the closest friends ever!
5. When there's an assignment and someone asks you to draw something for them.
Yes, I will totally love to break the honor code at my school and help you on a school assignment! I would love to do the work for you because it's not like I have any other work to do! I mean, I only have like three tests and four quizzes this week, but to be honest, it's nothing! I'll just stop everything just for you!