Hello! Do you ever have those moments in life where you think, "man, only an old Renaissance painting could accurately describe what I'm feeling right now." Well, you're in luck. These are 15 times Renaissance art has been relatable to life. Never before has Leonardo da Vinci been so relatable. (Oh and if you're an art enthusiast, I realize some of these might not actually be accurate to the time period, but give me a break, I'm an English major who typed "Renaissance Art" into the Google Search bar and used whatever it gave me. Lighten up buttercup.)
1. When you know you're ugly but your outfit is on point

2. When you realize that you've been doing homework your whole life and it's not about to slow down

2. When you're about to roast your friend for something stupid they said

4. When you know you have to kill the person who broke your best friend's heart

5. When you and your best friend are watching drama unfold that doesn't include you

6. When you hear someone say your name in a different conversation

7. When the math teacher asks if you have questions and you don't even know where to begin

8. When you're trick or treating and no one answers the door

9. When Netflix takes off your favorite show

10. When it's midnight and you're sneaking into the kitchen to get food and your sibling sees you

11. When you and your best friend take an ugly selfie for Snapchat

12. That look you give best friend when the friend you secretly hate is being annoying

13. When someone is looking over your shoulder at your phone (bottom right)

14. That look you give someone when they say you look just like your sibling

15. When someone asks you if you want to finish their food

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