"Adulting" is hard. All of us college students typically face the same struggles. The cast of "Friends" couldn't be more relatable when it comes to the ups and downs of life, especially while in college.
Realizing the three assignments you put aside last week are all due by midnight.
"I mean seriously, what did I do to deserve this?"
When that one annoying classmate answers every single question the professor asks.
No one cares if you know the answer so please just put your hand down.
When you've been countlessly asked, "So what's your plan for after college?"
I still don't know what I'm doing with my life since the last time you asked.
When your teacher actually expects you to do work over spring break.
Do they really think I'm opening my backpack over break? Let's be real.
To the group members who don't help AT ALL.
"When I die, I want the people I did group projects with to lower me into my grave, so they can let me down one last time."
When you're already late for class and it seems like your luck couldn't get any worse.
Just what I need; another thing to go wrong in my life!
Waking up from a nap not caring about the hours of work you have to do later.
Things I would rather be doing than working on school; anything else.
When you're signing up for classes and all the ones you want keep closing.
Ah, you've got to love the gut-wrenching feeling you get when you try to enroll in five classes and only get into one.
When you wake up in the morning after you went out on Thursday night.
"No one looks back on their life and remembers the night they got plenty of sleep."
When the test material doesn't correspond with anything you learned.
"Did we even learn about that?"
After you just had a mental breakdown and everyone keeps asking if you're OK.
Those days when you're just physically, emotionally, and mentally drained.
When you go to your morning lecture with the worst hangover.
Even if you don't listen, sometimes you're just so proud of yourself for showing up at all.
Coming to class and seeing someone in your seat.
No one liked assigned seating in high school, but in college, everyone knows that once you choose a seat you stay in it.
When you're waiting for your professor to "officially" dismiss your class.
Nothing is worse than being trapped in your class that ended minutes ago.
When you're having a mid-college crisis and you don't have anything figured out.
When you've been taking college "day-by-day" but all of a sudden you're halfway done and don't even know if you like your major.
All of these quotes perfectly sum up the college struggle. The characters of Friends have all experienced the same rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions college students encounter on a daily basis.