What It's Like To Rekindle Your Dreams | The Odyssey Online
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What It's Like To Rekindle Your Dreams

Becoming a collegiate horseback rider has sparked thoughts anew.

What It's Like To Rekindle Your Dreams
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Driving under the overhanging branches, down the winding road of Berry Campus, and having KISS playing through the speakers: a moment of nostalgia ripped through me.

Off and on throughout my life, some of my best memories have been on horseback. The first time I rode on horseback, one of those carousel pony rides at the carnival. Finding a second home at Horse and Heart Riders... That has remained a constant in my life. Racing, jumping, and freedom was the make-up of my experiences on horseback.

With these memories, a dream of mine from what seems like many years ago was rekindled. The partnership between a rider and their horse was my first moment of freedom and trust that sparked a dream to ride horses every day for the rest of my life. A bit naïve I know, because what 99-year-old is out riding horses? Anyway, the desires to be a jockey, an Olympian, and in the beginning, a collegiate equestrian competitor consumed my thoughts. The thundering hooves of the competitors cantering around the ring seemed in tune to the pounding of my excitedly racing heart.

Life is ever-changing and your dreams may change too; I know mine have. From princess to literary agent, my imagination led me through every career under the sun in a few short years. However, driving under those shadows and having the wind whip through the windows I became nostalgic for a dream from a few years back: join a collegiate equestrian team. A door that I once closed became opened to me once again with the simplicity of a thought.

So, what about your dreams? If given the possibility mankind has the capacity to accomplish a great many things. Never give up on a dream that sparks light and joy within you because the opportunity might present itself anew.

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