I have been rejected quite a few times over the course of my life. This is not because I am a terrible or unqualified person, it is because I am constantly putting myself out there. I accept rejection as a possibility and I go for it anyways. I believe that it is always better than a "what if." Despite this, it can still be painful. You cannot completely compartmentalize yourself to not feel the emotions that go along with rejection. Rejection can makes you feel unwanted and not good enough. You may laugh it off and tell people that it's fine, but it doesn't always feel fine. For the nights when you feel dejected and unworthy, know that this temporary sting is just an affirmation that you are a dreamer and a risk taker. You did not let fear get in your way of chasing a possibility.
Try not to be spiteful towards those who were not rejected. It's extremely hard to be happy for others when you yourself are not happy, but the very least, do not hold their success against them. You may eventually be able to share in their joy.
In order to move on, you first have to accept that it happened. Absorb the reality and let it hurt. Take the time you need to heal, sulk, throw yourself a mini pity party and then, simply put, get over it. It happened, it felt terrible, but it is such a small part of your life. Move on, and then do it all over again, because life begins at the end of your comfort zone and living in fear of being hurt limits all the possibilities to be enthused. I would rather be a reject than a coward.