Has anyone ever said no to you? I believe that is normal, but it can get to a point where it gets annoying and disappointing. People say everyone gets rejected one point in life, but the first time honestly hurts the most. I remember liking this girl back in the 12th grade and I never told her until the last day of school. She was startled and never knew I actually liked her until I told her. This was the worst feeling when she said the words, "I only see you as a friend." It felt like my life was falling down and those words hurt me for a couple of days. Everyone at this point should know rejection is a part of life. Such as, today I asked for one chicken patty for lunch and the guy decided to give me two, which is what I did not ask for. He rejected my offer and continued on with his day, which made me a little mad with what the outcome was. Someone can take rejection and make it into something good rather than pout about it. I know the first time is the roughest when rejection hits but only gets better with preparation and body language.
What else comes with rejection? Denial because people would want to deny the pain they have from that rejection to other people. Some friends or acquaintances may see you as weak if you pout about your past experience of rejection so you cover up those emotions. Emotions should never be sewed up like a button on a shirt, but rather let out to keep you mentally strong and focused. A guy could like a girl for so long and vice versa, but when you let out the feelings you have for that person it is the best and most nerve-racking moment ever. Taking risks is a part of life and it can make you become more self-confident; Not relying on others to give you that motivation or reward that you may want at the moment. The reward should be the confidence you gain from doing such an adventurous act and stepping out of that comfort zone. I would take that word "rejection" out of a person's vocabulary and call it "lesson learned."
I found out that rejection can only make you learn from a mistake that could have occurred or just finding out that person is not the best for you. The things most people will say are "that person is not for you and do not know what they are missing out on." This is to comfort you and for the most part it is true to cope with this evil thing called rejection. Take a positive side out of this experience and continue to help others deal with such a problem that people would call "rejection!"