On college campuses throughout the country, there are certain stressful weeks that we can all agree on- finals week, picking housing, and registering for classes. I wish I could say that there are ways to make these weeks easier, but it's pretty difficult. Certain classes need to be taken at certain points in order to graduate on time, and other classes are so popular that there is almost no chance of getting in (looking at you, Archery).
The following Grey's Anatomy reaction photos are meant to represent our struggles on registration week:
1. When you're looking at all of the class options:
Colleges have a lot of class options- like a whole lot. Even though you'll want to take classes specific to your major, there are still so many possibilities, and looking at them can be daunting.
2. When seats are designated for incoming Freshman:
Sometimes colleges will leave spots open for incoming Freshman since they pick classes almost a month after we do. Even though we were all Freshman once, seeing those reserved spots can be annoying. I wanted that spot, I deserve it!
3. When you find classes that fit together and have no 8:30s:
Finding classes that you want that you can also take is difficult. Finding classes that you want, fit together and don't meet at 8:30 is even harder.
4. When you register by completed credits and realize that your current class credits don't count:
Yes, I know what the word completed means, but come on, it's not like I'm going to drop a class now! If I could use in progress credits then I could register a whole day earlier!
5. When you keep checking the classes you want and see fewer spots each time you check:
The only thing worse than seeing 0 spots left on that class you really needed is seeing the length of the wait-list. Dropping out of college and getting a job is probably easier than getting off of the wait-list.
6. When it's almost your time to register:
You've probably double checked your registration time and the course registration numbers dozens of times, and now it's just minutes before you can register. Put on your game face and get ready to go!
7. When the computer freezes or the wifi stops working:
It happens. Whether your dorm wifi is slow or your computer decides to hate you, things will go wrong and you'll probably end up yelling. "Don't you dare quit out on me wifi, don't you dare!"
8. When someone you know gets into the class you wanted:
It's inevitable. Seconds after people register they post their schedules and you're bound to see that someone you know is in that class you were praying for. It's even worse when it's your friend, but you'll live, I promise.
9. When you finish the process and realize your schedule for next semester isn't actually that bad, even if you had to register for some of your backup classes:
It will all work out. Even if you couldn't get into that one class, there's always next semester, and besides, even if you had to pick a backup class, it's one you wanted on some level anyway. Not only that, but now the process is over until next semester!
10. When you realize there are only 3 weeks left in the school year:
Registration will seem like nothing when you realize that you have about 3 weeks left. Not only are finals coming up, but so is summer, and if you happen to be a senior, graduation is just around the corner. You'll get through it though, everyone does!