It's that time of the semester once again. Before we can trudge through finals and make it to summer, we have to get through another week of hell: advising sessions and class registration. All the stress of the looming finals week PLUS the added anxiety of trying to figure out whether you'll graduate on time, so much fun, guys!
1. You're still in Spring Break mode
Why is there even class after Spring Break?
2. Finding out you have 4 advisers and they're all emailing to meet with you...
I don't have time for this!!!
3. ...but literally none of them are available when you are
How many students are you even advising?
4. You finally score an advising session
But you have to skip one of your classes to go to it.
5. Looking at DegreeWorks to TRY and prepare
Oops, wow, I completely forgot about Natural Sciences. Wait, what do you mean I have that many credits left to take?!
6. "So you have no idea what classes to take next semester...?"
No, that is your job to tell me.
7. Finding out you have to take a ton of difficult classes at the same time to stay on track
Calc and stats and legal studies, oh my!
8. When one class you need has a million prerequisites you haven't taken yet
Are half of these even necessary for the class??
9. Starting to build a schedule and the only available sections of your classes will cause you to be on campus for 13 hours
Not like I have somewhere else to be or anything.
10. Checking all the class section professors on RateMyProfessor
And all of them have 1-2 stars, it's fine, I'm fine.
11. Sorting through all your options and figuring out the perfect schedule
If I'm gonna be on campus all day, might as well throw some time in between classes for naps and food!
12. When you find out your registration time is at 7 a.m.
ANY other time at all would have been fine. Who the hell is up at 7 a.m.?
11. Rushing and/or panicking to get into all of your classes when
Being in college is tough, y'all.
12. When you get your schedule and don't have to worry about anything else ever again
Or at least until next semester.
Godspeed, friends.